Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"Approved Candidate"

We had an email from SEND today that after our interview last Friday, the SEND Personnel Committee has moved us to "approved candidate" status. That means that they want us to finish the application process and its a pretty good chance we will become official members of SEND. And that means we are going to start preparing for Alaska!!! We will update when we know for sure...but it looks like we may be heading north.


Sherry said...

will you go right away? that's so awesome!

Jessica Swanson said...

I like the snow-covered plane. Just make sure you and Ryan watch/read Hatchet and plan to get a big hatchet.

I'm excited for your trip North!

I will want to come visit. You could also visit the Pauls. Wes McKain visited them, and they were super-hospitable.

Anonymous said...

johnny is freaking jealous.
looks like an amazing opportunity up there, so definitely keep us posted.
and emily, great job yesterday at beth's... but where was ryan??

Kara said...

Just noticed you had a blog. Congrats on the SEND status. That is pretty exciting!